Molecular scale electronics, also called single-molecule electronics, is a branch of nanotechnology that uses single molecules, or nanoscale collections of single molecules, as electronic components. Because single molecules constitute the smallest stable structures imaginable this miniaturization is the ultimate goal for shrinking electrical circuits. The field is often referred to as simply "molecular electronics", but this term is also used to refer to the distantly related field of conductive polymers and organic electronics, which uses the properties of molecules to affect the bulk properties of a material. A nomenclature distinction has been suggested so that ''molecular materials for electronics'' refers to this latter field of bulk applications, while ''molecular scale electronics'' refers to the nanoscale single-molecule applications discussed here. ==Fundamental concepts== Conventional electronics have traditionally been made from bulk materials. Ever since its invention in 1958 the performance and complexity of integrated circuits has been growing exponentially (a trend also known as Moore’s law) and has forced the feature sizes of the embedded components to shrink accordingly. As the structures become smaller, the sensitivity for deviations increases and in a few generations, when the minimum feature sizes reaches 13 nm, the composition of the devices must be controlled to a precision of a few atoms for the devices to work. With the bulk approach having inherent limitations in addition to becoming increasingly demanding and expensive, the idea was born that the components could instead be built up atom for atom in a chemistry lab (bottom up) as opposed to carving them out of bulk material (top down). This idea is the reasoning behind molecular electronics with the ultimate miniaturization being components contained in single molecules. In single-molecule electronics, the bulk material is replaced by single molecules. That is, instead of creating structures by removing or applying material after a pattern scaffold, the atoms are put together in a chemistry lab. This way billions of billions of copies are made simultaneously (typically more than 10 20 molecules are made at once) while the composition of molecules are controlled down to the last atom. The molecules utilized have properties that resemble traditional electronic components such as a wire, transistor or rectifier. Single-molecule electronics is an emerging field, and entire electronic circuits consisting exclusively of molecular sized compounds are still very far from being realized. However, the continuous demand for more computing power together with the inherent limitations of the present day lithographic methods make the transition seem unavoidable. Currently, the focus is on discovering molecules with interesting properties and on finding ways to obtaining reliable and reproducible contacts between the molecular components and the bulk material of the electrodes. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Molecular scale electronics」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク